Member Directory

Terms and Conditions of Using the AIPLA Member Directory

The American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) is a professional legal association. AIPLA is not a law firm. As a professional legal association, AIPLA has individual lawyers as members. The fact that a lawyer is a member of AIPLA does not mean or imply that the lawyer is affiliated with any other AIPLA member for the practice of law. Some members are omitted from this directory by request. Contacting an AIPLA member does not establish an attorney-client relationship between you and the AIPLA member. Consequently, you should not convey any confidential information to an AIPLA member until you and the AIPLA member have established an attorney-client relationship.

The listing of any area of practice by an AIPLA member does not indicate any certification or expertise therein, nor does it represent the quality of legal services to be performed. It is merely an indication by the member of an area or areas in which he or she practices. Membership in AIPLA, as well as membership on an AIPLA Committee does not mean that a lawyer is a specialist or an expert in a field of law. AIPLA membership does not indicate anything about the quality or competency of any lawyer.

The information in this directory is provided by our members. AIPLA does not warrant the accuracy or validity of the information, and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in this directory.

AIPLA offers no legal advice, recommendations, mediation or counseling under any circumstance.

Additional Conditions

The on-line AIPLA Member Directory contains valuable AIPLA property and is provided to AIPLA Online users under the following terms and conditions. The AIPLA Member Directory may be used to locate AIPLA members. You may contact AIPLA members on an individual basis.

The on-line AIPLA Member Directory shall not be used for any of the following purposes: Information from it may not be added to, loaded into or transcribed into any database, information or text retrieval system, bulk mailing list or e-mail list server, any form of merge document, including but not limited to word processors, spreadsheets, databases, contact management systems, auto-dialers, address lists by any means including but not limited to electronic, mechanical or manual. Information from it may not be used for any form of solicitation or promotion regardless of whether or not such solicitation or promotion is for a commercial, charitable, or other non-profit use. Information from it may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever.

All directory searches are logged as to the date and time they were performed, the number of names displayed and the search criteria entered. If AIPLA believes information from the on-line Member Directory is being used for any proscribed purpose, AIPLA will attempt to identify you and if we are successful, we will charge you $10.00 per name per use. Upon discovery of any proscribed use, AIPLA will use these logs to calculate fees owed and you will be notified of and held liable for this amount. AIPLA has a List Rental program for the purpose of providing AIPLA member information for purposes similar to those proscribed above, to qualified vendors.

By using the directory I agree that I understand all of the above terms and conditions including the fees for using the on-line Member Directory for any of the proscribed uses and agree to pay in full, any amount that AIPLA bills me for such uses.

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