Special Meeting of the Membership

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
4 pm Eastern

The Board of Directors of AIPLA announces a Special Meeting of the voting members of AIPLA, to be held virtually Tuesday, January 30, 2024.  As a reminder voting members of AIPLA include paid voting members who are either Academic, Associate, Government, Honorary, Junior, Life, Regular, or Regular-Solo/Two Person. Please note, Affiliate members are not eligible voting members.  The purpose of the Special Meeting is to vote on and approve two agenda items:

  1. To approve and elect the 2024 Committee on Nominations nominated by AIPLA President-Elect Kim Van Voorhis, and,
  2. To approve the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of AIPLA recently approved by the Board of Directors.

Agenda item 1: Proposed Committee on Nominations for 2024:

Patrick Coyne, Chair
Brian Batzli, Vice Chair
Sean Garrison
Justine Gozzi
Randi Karpinia
Jason Murata
Tony Venturino

Agenda item 2: Revisions to the Articles of Incorporation - At the December 4, 2023 meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board approved changes to AIPLA’s Articles of Incorporation. These changes to the Articles, which were last changed more than two decades ago, require approval by the membership and are the subject of this vote.  The Board recommends that the membership approve these changes. We provide a redline version and a clean version of the changes approved by the Board below:

Board Approved Redline Revisions to AIPLA Articles of Incorporation as of 12042023

Board Approved Revisions to AIPLA Articles of Incorporation as of 12042023 - CLEAN VERSION

You will see that the changes are generally designed to bring the Articles up-to-date and align with possible future meeting schedules.  The proposed changes also will provide greater flexibility to utilize electronic communications.

All voting members of AIPLA are encouraged to vote at this Special Meeting, or beforehand, to approve the election of the Committee on Nominations for 2024 and to approve the changes to the AIPLA Articles of Incorporation.  Eligible voting members can either cast their vote online between January 5 and the beginning of the Special Meeting or during the Special Meeting.  A member may only vote once on each issue, however.

By submitting your vote in advance, using the VOTING LINK, your vote will be represented by proxy during the Special Meeting, even if you choose not to attend the meeting. Alternatively, you can attend the virtual Special Meeting and cast your vote live online during the Special Meeting. If you do submit your vote prior to the Special Meeting, you will not be able to vote, or change your vote, during the Special Meeting. 

Advance voting is open now and will close at 4 pm eastern on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. You can also vote live online during the virtual Special Meeting. REGISTER HERE TO ATTEND LIVE ONLINE

Regardless of how you vote, please vote, so that we can receive enough votes from the voting membership to reach a quorum as required by the Virginia statute.