AIPLA President's Report

Kimberly Van Voorhis
Thank you for the wonderful inauguration celebration at the Annual Meeting, and Welcome to AIPLA’24-25!
Like the inspiring “Queen Ann” before me, Brian Batzli before Ann, Patrick Coyne before Brian, and all the Past Presidents who have shared this honor, I am grateful for and humbled by the opportunity to lead one of the most respected and influential IP organizations in the world.
Picking up on the last words of Ann’s presidential message in 2023 and one that she repeated throughout her presidency: Let’s have fun. True to her word, Ann has breathed renewed life, energy and fun into our organization’s work. From leading a 4+ hour Board meeting by Zoom, to vetting strategic policy considerations, to showing off her prom party moves on many a Stated Meeting dance floor, Ann’s quick wit, humble nature, and overwhelming kindness have truly made AIPLA more “fun.” Thank you, Ann.
And thank you to all those who, despite a global pandemic, made sure that this incredible organization continued to serve as a strong and guiding voice in the global IP community. With a dedicated staff, strong leadership from our Board and committees, and a diverse and committed membership, we have emerged from the pandemic stronger, nimbler, and more sharply focused on our mission to foster innovation, creativity, and fair competition in the U.S. and around the globe.
So now that we are all having more fun in an organization that is stronger than ever, what could possibly be next? With all this momentum, the answer to me can only be one thing —we focus on what we do best, and we do it even better.
Let’s talk about that. What do we do best?
We are advocates. As a member of AIPLA for nearly 25 years, I have had a front row seat for some of the most significant developments in global IP law in recent history—the enactment of AIA, the ever-swinging pendulum of Section 101, Supreme Court trends and the caselaw that has built up around them, the Trademark Dilution Act and the Trademark Modernization Act, copyright modernization, progress on global harmonization, the challenges of digital commerce, and the recent infiltration of AI into everything we do. All these issues, passing through multiple administrations, each with a different viewpoint and different priorities. And with every issue, AIPLA digs deep. We weigh impact, we listen to one another and respectfully consider all points of view, and we offer practical solutions that are routinely considered by IP stakeholders and policy makers in the U.S. and beyond.
We are experts. We can tackle the most complex issues because we are experts. And like any good mentor or coach, we don’t just keep our advocacy expertise and deep bench of IP knowledge to ourselves. We share it with others. From live content at Stated Meetings, to online programs, roadshows, bootcamps, training guides, and practice tips, AIPLA has some of the strongest, most comprehensive educational offerings, making us one of the most trusted sources for IP education.
We are a community. Above all else, we are a community of professionals, united by our shared passion for the work that we do and how we do it. We show up, we engage, we listen, and we learn. As a community, we can deliver impactful messages with a stronger voice. As a community, we can support one another and our well-being by ensuring that IP practitioners are not only producing high quality work products and delivering results but are also enjoying ourselves and all that life has to offer along the way. As a community, we can give back so that generations to come will continue to engage the abundance of bright and capable leaders that we have today.
The common thread and what continues to drive each of these core principles--advocacy, education and community—is you, our membership. Our members are the advocates, our members are the experts, and our members are the community that we all cherish. Our members are also the key to our future success; a robust and engaged membership will unlock our ability to do all the great work we already do, even better. It should come as no surprise, then, that membership is among my top priorities for the upcoming year.
Fortunately, we are hitting the ground running. In recent years, we have expanded our membership to better meet the needs of the diverse and expanding IP community. We have welcomed patent agents and licensing professionals, and we are seeing more corporate members than ever before. This coming year, we are expanding our reach across more international communities and exploring deeper connections in Dubai, Africa and India, and have newly renamed the Asia Pacific Committee (formerly the IP in the Far East Committee) as the importance of IP grows around the world.
In terms of building our expertise and advocacy, we lean on our committees and have established task forces of member experts to help us stay on top of critical, evolving issues such as patent eligibility and accessibility, the impacts of recent APA decisions, harmonization, and generative AI. We have realigned and re-energized our committees to make sure we stay focused on issues that are front of mind for IP practitioners in today’s global economy. We are also continuing to review how we come together as an organization—our meeting structure, how we develop future leaders, the types of education we offer, and how we deliver it. We are listening, we are ideating and evolving, and we aren’t slowing down.
We are also doubling down on our commitment to law students and building a robust pipeline of future IP leaders. For law students, where AIPLA membership is now free, our newly formed Special Committee on Law Student Engagement kicked off at the Annual Meeting, where we welcomed 80+ law students as attendees. The Committee will continue to work with students throughout the year to ensure a smooth transition from law school to their IP careers. For members looking to build their leadership skills, check out AIPLA’s first-ever Leadership Forum, a two-day, immersive experience designed to elevate leadership skills at any stage of your career and to inspire others to do the same. Check out the Leadership Forum page for more details on how to attend this special event.
How can we continue to make AIPLA even better? As your President for the next year, I along with AIPLA’s Executive Committee, Board of Directors, committee leaders, and staff will ask this question in everything we do, and we will challenge you to do the same: How can we do better for ourselves, better for AIPLA and better for the IP community? It can be as simple as joining a new committee, attending a new meeting, online program or road show, launching a sub-committee on a new initiative, or just leaning in and learning more in an emerging area of interest. Be creative, raise your hand, support your colleagues, and as Ann would say, have fun!
Looking forward to a productive ‘24-25.
Kim's longtime friend and mentor, Jim Pooley, is pleased to introduce Kim:
How can someone be infinitely serious and fun at the same time?
We pick leaders we hope to rely on not only to do the job, but to inspire the rest of us as an example of creativity, courage, diligence, empathy and passion. And occasionally we are lucky enough to get all of that wrapped up in someone whose playfulness helps us to fully see one another as family.