In This Section
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Amicus
- Antitrust Law
- Biotechnology
- Chemical Practice
- Copyright Law
- Corporate Practice
- Design Rights
- Diversity in IP Law
- Electronic and Computer Law
- Emerging Technologies
- AIPLA Fellows
- Food and Drug
- Harmonization
- International and Foreign Law
- International Trade Commission
- IP Law Associations
- IP Practice in China
- IP Practice in Europe
- IP Practice in Israel
- IP Practice in Japan
- IP Practice in Latin America
- IP Practice in the Asia Pacific
- IP Transactions
- Law Practice Management
- Legislation
- Membership
- Mentoring
- New Lawyers
- Online IP Enforcement & Anti-Counterfeiting Committee
- Online Programs
- Patent Agents
- Patent Cooperation Treaty Issues
- Patent Law
- Patent Litigation
- Patent Relations With the USPTO
- Privacy & Data Security
- Pro Bono
- Committee on the Profession
- Professional Programs
- PTAB Trial
- Public Appointments
- Standards and Open Source
- Trade Secret Law
- Trademark Law
- Trademark Litigation
- Trademark Treaties and International Law
- Trademark-Relations with the USPTO
- Women in IP Law
The Committee assists the Association's advocacy efforts by developing in-depth proposals and ensuring thoughtful and timely responses to proposed legislation.
Key Initiatives
- The Committee’s role is to act on ongoing initiatives when requested to do so and to be proactive in helping to develop a legislative agenda, following the Board's direction.
- Members of the Committee include representatives from AIPLA's substantive committees in all IP areas (patents, copyrights, trade secrets, designs, trademarks, etc.).
How You Can Participate
Members of the Committee on Legislation are appointed by the President-Elect of AIPLA.