Chair: Sophie Wang, Choate Hall & Stewart LLP, Boston, MA
Vice Chair: Barbara Fiacco, Foley Hoag, LLP, Boston, MA
Board Liaison: Matthew Wagner, PDC Brands, Stamford, CT
In This Section
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Amicus
- Antitrust Law
- Biotechnology
- Chemical Practice
- Copyright Law
- Corporate Practice
- Design Rights
- Diversity in IP Law
- Electronic and Computer Law
- Emerging Technologies
- AIPLA Fellows
- Food and Drug
- Harmonization
- International and Foreign Law
- International Trade Commission
- IP Law Associations
- IP Practice in China
- IP Practice in Europe
- IP Practice in Israel
- IP Practice in Japan
- IP Practice in Latin America
- IP Practice in the Asia Pacific
- IP Transactions
- Law Practice Management
- Legislation
- Membership
- Mentoring
- New Lawyers
- Online IP Enforcement & Anti-Counterfeiting Committee
- Online Programs
- Patent Agents
- Patent Cooperation Treaty Issues
- Patent Law
- Patent Litigation
- Patent Relations With the USPTO
- Privacy & Data Security
- Pro Bono
- Committee on the Profession
- Professional Programs
- PTAB Trial
- Public Appointments
- Standards and Open Source
- Trade Secret Law
- Trademark Law
- Trademark Litigation
- Trademark Treaties and International Law
- Trademark-Relations with the USPTO
- Women in IP Law
This Committee identifies cases having significant issues that may impact IP law or practice, considers requests for amicus participation from others pursuant to the committee's rules of procedure, and recommends to the Board of Directors that AIPLA file amicus briefs in appropriate situations.
Members of this Committee are appointed by the President-Elect of AIPLA.

Key Initiatives
- The committee recommends filing amicus curiae briefs in carefully selected cases that present issues of extraordinary importance to intellectual property lawyers.
How You Can Participate
Participation is open only to members appointed by the President-Elect of AIPLA.
Are You Interested in Requesting AIPLA's Participation in a Pending Case?
The AIPLA Amicus Committee is pleased to consider requests to review cases for possible AIPLA amicus brief participation. Please review our procedures before contacting the committee's Chair or Vice-Chair.