Copyright Law
In This Section
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Amicus
- Antitrust Law
- Biotechnology
- Chemical Practice
- Copyright Law
- Corporate Practice
- Design Rights
- Diversity in IP Law
- Electronic and Computer Law
- Emerging Technologies
- AIPLA Fellows
- Food and Drug
- Harmonization
- International and Foreign Law
- International Trade Commission
- IP Law Associations
- IP Practice in China
- IP Practice in Europe
- IP Practice in Israel
- IP Practice in Japan
- IP Practice in Latin America
- IP Practice in the Asia Pacific
- IP Transactions
- Law Practice Management
- Legislation
- Membership
- Mentoring
- New Lawyers
- Online IP Enforcement & Anti-Counterfeiting Committee
- Online Programs
- Patent Agents
- Patent Cooperation Treaty Issues
- Patent Law
- Patent Litigation
- Patent Relations With the USPTO
- Privacy & Data Security
- Pro Bono
- Committee on the Profession
- Professional Programs
- PTAB Trial
- Public Appointments
- Standards and Open Source
- Trade Secret Law
- Trademark Law
- Trademark Litigation
- Trademark Treaties and International Law
- Trademark-Relations with the USPTO
- Women in IP Law
The Committee is responsible for considering laws, regulations, and practices providing or affecting rights relating to copyrights. The Committee also works to inform the membership about recent important judicial decisions in the copyright field and all phases of activity of the Copyright Office of concern to the profession or the public.
Key Initiatives
- The Committee is responsible for considering laws, regulations, and practices providing or affecting rights relating to copyrights.
- It also works to inform the membership about recent important judicial decisions in the copyright field and all phases of activity of the Copyright Office of concern to the profession or the public.
- Most recently, it worked with the Amicus Committee on an amicus brief filed with the Supreme Court in the Star Athletica case, submitted proposed resolutions to the AIPLA Board regarding Copyright Office modernization and the formation of a copyright small claims tribunal, and met separately with Congressional staffers and Copyright Office officials to discuss proposed reforms and updates to copyright law and Copyright Office practices.
How You Can Participate
Participation is open to all AIPLA members. Join the committee and actively engage in the online community.Become an AIPLA member and login in and join the Copyright Law committee in your profile. Once you join, please visit the Online Community and begin engaging with your peers.