The information you provide in the text box below is extremely important because it, along with your name and location, will be the first substantive information about you that any person searching the LIST will see.
In the text box below (1) edit the first sentence so that its contents correspond to your answers to questions 1. and 2., above. This sentence is a required sentence which must be properly edited and retained as the first sentence of your summary of your practice. Then (2) add up to 700 characters of information about your arbitration and/or mediation practice.
The resultant total information in the text box will appear in your entry in the LIST.
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100 MB maximum. File types accepted: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, ppsx, xls, xlsx
I hereby represent that the foregoing information about me is true and correct as of this date, and that I meet the current AIPLA criteria, as stated on the AIPLA website, for serving as a Mediator and/or Arbitrator of the types of disputes designated in Question 2 above. I hereby represent that I am a current member in good standing of the bar(s) (active or inactive) of the courts and agencies listed in question 5, and that there is no disciplinary activity pending against me in any court, agency, or bar association.
I acknowledge that if I am accepted for listing as an AIPLA arbitrator or mediator, the AIPLA has my permission to publish this application and all attachments thereto on the AIPLA website, for the benefit of those wishing to consult the list and the qualifications of those persons listed. I further understand and agree, if I am listed on the AIPLA List of Arbitrators and Mediators, that, for all arbitration and mediation matters wherein I am retained as a result of such listing, I will promptly inform the parties and counsel in writing that I am an independent contractor and that the AIPLA has no responsibility or liability for any of my acts or omissions.
1. REVIEW YOUR APPLICATION NOW.You MUST review your Application above for correctness and completeness BEFORE SUBMISSION thereof!!!!
2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT WITH PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS:Upon submission of your Application, you will receive a return acknowledgement e-mail from AIPLA, which e-mail will provide you with instructions for making your application fee payment. Fee payments will be accepted only via electronic submission; no check payments will be accepted by AIPLA. Your Application to be Listed will NOT be processed until your payment is received.
3. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Submission of this Application may be made only via electronic submission. No paper filings will be accepted by AIPLA. When you are satisfied with the accuracy and completeness of your Application, click on the Submit button below.
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