In This Section
Elizabeth (Betty) Morgan

The Morgan Law Firm PC
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: (215)854-6354
Arbitration/Mediation of patent, trade secret, trademark/trade dress, copyright disputes.
Ms. Morgan is an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association (AAA) on the Commercial, Employment and Consumer Panels, with NAM and FINRA. As a mediator, she serves on the entertainment, employment, trademark and Philadelphia area panels with the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution(CPR), which peer reviews its members. She is on INTA’s Panel of Mediators and that of WIPO. Ms. Morgan chaired INTA's North American Subcommittee of its ADR Committee, co-chairs the ABA Intellectual Property subcommittee for the ADR Section and is vice chair of AIPLA's ADR Committee.
Betty Morgan Completed Application