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Ira Jack Waddey

Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP
Nashville, TN
Phone: (615)244-6380
Arbitration/Mediation of patent, trade secret, trademark/trade dress, and copyright disputes. I have been mediating IP cases since 1995. I only have limited experience in arbitration, but having served as a clerk to a judge on the US Court of Appeals, I feel qualified to conduct an arbitration. For 40+ years, I was a trial lawyer, the last 15 of those years working on IP cases exclusively. Presently, 90% of my work is as a mediator. I get cases settled. I travel nationally to do cases. I never give up. I get glowing reviews from major market firms. Fell free to call to discuss techniques, etc.
Ira Jack Waddey Completed Application