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John Vandenberg

Klarquist Sparkman, LLP
Portland, OR
Phone: (503)595-5300
Arbitration of patent disputes. I’ve been litigating patents continuously for about 40 years. Since 1991, I’ve had (and continue to have) a national patent litigation trial and appellate practice at Klarquist, with several cases involving billions of dollars in revenue. I have first-chair patent experience in the PTAB, district courts, Federal Circuit, and Supreme Court (where I argued Nautilus). I also have first-chair tried copyright infringement suits, trademark infringement suits, and product-configuration trade dress suits. While I’ve served as a mediator and recently participated in a patent-license arbitration through trial, I have not yet served as an arbitrator. I believe I have the required deep understanding of patent law and patent litigation.
John Vandenberg Completed Application