AIPLA Letter in Support for S. 2281, the “Inventor Diversity for Economic Advancement Act (“IDEA”) Act of 2019

September 24, 2019

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The American Intellectual Property Law Association (“AIPLA”) is pleased to support S. 2281, the “Inventor Diversity for Economic Advancement Act (“IDEA”) Act of 2019. We
appreciate the attention to this important issue and we urge the Committee to move forward
with the legislation.

S. 2281 would require the USPTO to collect certain demographic data from patent applicants on a voluntary basis: gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, age, military or veteran status, disability, education level attained, and income level. AIPLA agrees with the proponents of the legislation that the collection of this data is important in light of studies that suggest women, racial minorities, and other groups are significantly underrepresented in the patent system. The information collected may then be evaluated and studied and could be useful in developing means and programs to address where the system may not be sufficiently serving inventors in these communities.

AIPLA urges the Members of the Committee on the Judiciary to support this legislation.

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