AIPLA Submits Comments to USPTO Regarding National Strategy for Expanding American Innovation February 23, 2021

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On February 23, 2021, AIPLA filed comments in response to the USPTO’s Notice regarding the National Strategy for Expanding American Innovation. AIPLA's comments include suggestions for the support of individuals, including the implementation of shared workspaces, hubs, and labs, workshops, internships, and promotion of meetings and clubs, among other ideas. Some of AIPLA's comments regarding lowering the barriers to innovation in underrepresented groups include adjusting internal culture and increasing representation in leadership.

The USPTO also requested comments on best practices for measuring progress. AIPLA suggests developing organizational metrics to determine the effectiveness of diversity initiatives, which will provide insights that identify problem areas. AIPLA also provides a more granular series of suggestions surrounding short- and long-term meaningful measures, such as tracking of patents by state, city, and region, and comparing STEM graduates to diversity hiring statistics.

To infuse concepts of invention, entrepreneurship, and intellectual property into curricula, AIPLA recommends revising public education, and includes a breakdown of suggestions by grade range. Increased internet accessibility is also addressed as something the nation can do to support inventors and small businesses. Finally, it is suggested to make strategic partnerships available for the purpose of educating and training entrepreneurs.
To read the full comments, please download the file.

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