How Innovation and Creativity Drive American Innovation

January 19, 2021 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM


Fee: free

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Join special guest speakers,Senator Thom Tillis and USPTO Director Andrei Iancu, for an in-depth discussion about the important role innovation and creativity play in ensuring American competitiveness, economic growth, and groundbreaking discoveries.

Every innovation and creation starts with a novel or original idea...and that’s why innovations and creative works must be respected and honored. America’s strong intellectual property system is essential to achieving that goal. They allow ideas—from a back-of-the-napkin concept to the most complex designs—to be nurtured and developed into full-fledged inventions that benefit humanity.

Senator Tillis and Director Iancu are recognized as experts and thought leaders on the policies and resources needed to support our innovation and creative economy. Through their leadership in their respective roles, they bring unique perspectives and insights on how America can remain at the forefront of the global economy and the leader in innovation in the 21st century. The event, hosted by the US Chamber Global Innovation Policy Center, the International Trademark Association, and the Intellectual Property Owners Association, is open to the public.

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