How to Up Your Wardrobe Game for Zoom

AIPLA/ChIPs Joint Virtual Event - How To Up Your Wardrobe Game for Zoom

February 9, 2021 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM




Fee: free

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Video meetings all day. Working from home and managing the rest of your life at the same time. Even though life is crazy, step away from the sweats! You know the right clothing can foster confidence. It can help you feel strong and project an executive presence. But how the heck do you do that for Zoom? Nancy will share practical strategies and tips for dressing to up your Zoom game and to feel better overall.
Learn more about Nancy and her work at


Nancy DiltsAt Nancy Dilts Wardrobe Consulting, Nancy brings together her passions – personal style, positive body image, and the environment – to help her clients feel great about how they look, using an economically and environmentally sustainable approach. She offers services in personal styling, wardrobe consults, and personal shopping, and is available for presentations on developing personal style, creating a more functional wardrobe, dressing for work and other specific style topics, building a sustainable wardrobe, and more. Nancy works with people of all genders and identities in person in the Twin Cities metro region and virtually. Before launching NDWC, Nancy spent close to 20 years working in the field of environmental education and community outreach, and she holds an MA in Environmental and Resource Policy.


This event is hosted by the AIPLA Women in IP Law Committee and the Minneapolis Chapter of ChIPs.



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