USPTO Publishes Report on Trends of US Women Inventors

Written February 13, 2019

The United States Patent & Trademark Office on February 11, 2019, released a report on the trends and characteristics of U.S. women inventors named on US patents granted from 1976 through 2016.

The report issued by the USPTO’s Office of the Chief Economist shows that women still comprise a small minority of patented inventors and highlights an untapped potential of women to spur innovation in the United States.

“It is important for the United States to broaden its innovation ecosphere demographically, geographically, and economically,” said Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO Andrei Iancu. “America needs more inventors participating in the many benefits US patents can provide. The USPTO will continue to push the national dialogue on this issue and do what we can to spur real change.”