AIPLA Submits Comments to the USPTO in Response to the Notice Regarding Trademarks Administrative Sanctions Process

Written February 10, 2022

On February 4, 2022, the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) submitted comments to the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Request for Comment Regarding Trademarks Administrative Sanctions Process. AIPLA supports the implementation of an administrative sanctions process as proposed by the USPTO but seeks clarification and offers suggestions on a few points in the proposed process.

AIPLA appreciates and strongly supports the Trademark Office’s efforts to protect the integrity of the US trademark register. AIPLA generally supports the implementation and use of the administrative sanctions process, described in the NRFC, as one means for the USPTO to protect the trademark register’s integrity. AIPLA believes, however, that further clarification and information would be useful and appropriate to further the USPTO’s goal of transparency in the sanctions process.

AIPLA submitted comments to request (i) further information about the manner in which investigations will be initiated; (ii) clarification how registrations subject to an investigation or sanction will be identified and handled; and (iii) clarification regarding when a petition under Rule 2.146 may be filed with respect to an application that has been suspended pursuant to the initiation of an investigation under the administrative sanctions process.

(To read the full comment letter, please access the downloadable PDF to the left)