AIPLA Comments on USTPO’s Recent Trademark Fee Setting and Adjusting Proposal to the Trademark Public Advisory Committee (TPAC)

Written June 22, 2023

Arlington, VA. June 12, 2023 - The American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) submitted comments on the USPTO’s (i.e., Office’s) recent Trademark Fee Setting and Adjusting Proposal to the Trademark Public Advisory Committee (“Fee Proposal”).  


Although the comments confirmed AIPLA’s long-standing support for the USPTO’s recovery of its trademark-related costs through user fees and acknowledged the burdens on the Office of recent spikes in trademark applications, they expressed concern about the potential disincentives associated with some proposed fee increases. They also requested clarification of some aspects of the fee package and encouraged the Office to consider whether the imposition of certain new and increased fees are necessary and calculated to recover the actual cost to process the corresponding filings. 


To view the complete comments, please download the comment letter posted to the right of this page.