AIPLA Comments to USPTO on Unlocking the Full Potential of Intellectual Property by Translating More Innovation to the Marketplace

Written May 14, 2024

Arlington, VA. May 14, 2024 - The American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) submitted comments in response to the USPTO’s Request for Comment regarding Unlocking the Full Potential of Intellectual Property by Translating More Innovation to the Marketplace.

The comments acknowledge the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and individual inventors (among others) in navigating the IP system, and recognize the need for simplification and better support, especially for green and emerging technologies.  The comments suggest that the USPTO should focus on their core mission of issuing reliable patents and making the patenting process accessible, noting that government programs already promote commercialization and new industries on a larger scale. The comments caution that the costs of any new commercialization programs would be passed to users, including SMEs. AIPLA recommends increasing engagement with innovation hubs, developing specialized resources, and adapting successful international practices to improve the IP commercialization landscape, while balancing public interest with the needs of innovators.

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