Collin, Sean
Elastic NV | Vice President Legal for Innovation
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Sean Collin is Vice President Legal for Innovation (Product, IP, Marketing) at Elastic NV, the world's largest B2B and B2G search, observability, and security software company. He was educated at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand (BCom. LLB (Hons)) and at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. (LLM (Dist.)). He has been called to the Bar in New Zealand, New South Wales, Australia, and in both New York and California in the United States. He has lectured at Universities, Institutes and Global Conferences in 20 countries on international IP law and technology business. He has lived and worked around the world and has completed legal matters in over 70 countries. He has been an accredited representative at the United Nations in both Geneva and New York. He is the founder of a software company utilizing Big Data and artificial intelligence in cybersecurity and IP. He has been a Senior Partner in international “Big Law” firms headquartered in the United States, and a Managing Partner of a boutique international M&A law firm in California. He has been a tenured MBA/DBA Business School academic in the United States and Asia. He has held, and holds, Senior Executive positions with publicly traded technology corporations based in Silicon Valley and Europe. In 2001, he was selected as one of the top 20 under 40 lawyers in the state of California by his peers.