Cotton, Amy
US Trademark Office | Acting Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy
In This Section
Amy Cotton
is the acting Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination
Policy. In this role, Ms. Cotton oversees the Offices of Trademark
Policy, Petitions, and ID-Class, as well as the Trademark Assistance
Center, the Office of Trademark Quality Review and
Training, the Trademark Law Library, Customer Experience,
and Trademark Outreach.
Cotton joined the USPTO in 1998 as a trademark examining attorney. She
moved to the Office of Policy and International Affairs (OPIA) in 2001, where
she served as Senior Counsel for Trademarks since 2003, providing domestic and
international policy advice to the USPTO and U.S. government agencies and technical
assistance to global trademark offices. For nearly 20 years, Ms. Cotton led the
U.S. delegation to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on
trademark matters, including negotiations to conclude the Singapore Treaty on
the Law of Trademarks and the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement for the
International Registration of Appellations of Origin and Geographical
Indications. She was also the lead advisor to the Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative during the United States’ dispute against the European Union’s
geographical indications regulation before the World Trade Organization’s
Dispute Settlement Body. Prior to joining the USPTO, Amy served as external
affairs counsel at the American Intellectual Property Law Association.
A member of the Virginia Bar, Ms. Cotton received her Juris Doctor from Indiana University, Bloomington and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia.