Garland, Steven
Smart & Biggar | Principal
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McDonald’s, Parmalat and Cenovus.
Steven has earned an outstanding reputation amongst colleagues and clients who view him as “the full package – he provides innovative legal strategy; he is unflappable in the courtroom and highly effective in cross-examination” (Lexology 2018 Client Choice) and “one of the most versatile trial lawyers in the Canadian IP community” (IAM Patents 1000, 2019).
Board and the Trademarks Opposition Board.
Steven also acts on behalf of innovator pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies in respect of patent-related matters, including patent infringement actions and proceedings under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance)
Steven is a Past President of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) Canadian Group, and a Past President of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC). He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa Law School, where he teaches patent law. Steven is a regular writer and lecturer on intellectual property matters, both in Canada and internationally. He is also a member of the editorial board of the international publication Intellectual Property Magazine. Prior to becoming a lawyer, Steven was a Reservoir Engineer in the Canadian oil and gas industry.