Linck, Nancy J.
NJ Linck Consulting | Founder
I serve as a patent practice consultant and expert witness, with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals and Hatch-Waxman litigation and, more recently, antitrust litigation brought against pharmaceutical companies.
My Ph.D. in chemistry from UCSD and M.S. in biotechnology from Johns Hopkins, along with hands-on work experience at a pharmaceutical company overseeing patent practice and FDA matters, have well-prepared me to offer testimony in the pharmaceutical area.
Similarly, my experience as the Solicitor of Patents and Trademarks and as an Administrative Patent Judge in the Pharmaceutical and Biotech Group at Patent and Trademark Office, along with my 30 years of patent practice, have well-prepared me to consult and offer expert testimony regarding patent practice before the Office and related matters in all areas of technology, including the mechanical and computer arts.
Additionally, I am an author of Post-Grant Patent Practice, an in-depth treatise on post-grant patent practices in the Office, including those created by the AIA. My experience extends to practice before the Federal Circuit, including a clerkship with the Honorable Pauline Newman on the Federal Circuit.
When I have spare time, I love walking in La Jolla with my two Bedlington Terriers, Nellie and Rascal, and running with a group of friends.
Ph.D. & M.S., Inorganic Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, 1982 & 1980, respectively
M.S. in Biotechnology, Johns Hopkins University, 2009
B.S., cum laude, University of California, Berkeley 1973
J.D., magna cum laude, Western New England University School of Law, 1984
U.S. Supreme Court, 1988
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 1987
District of Columbia, 1986
Massachusetts, 1985
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 1986
Certificate in Mediation, Pepperdine University, 2008
Certificate in Essential Training Course for New Clinical Statisticians, Pharmaceutical Education & Research Institute, 2004
Certificate in Advanced Public Management, Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, 1998