Prieto, Violeta
United States Patent and Trademark Office | Primary Patent Examiner, and Assistant Outreach Coordinator
In This Section
Violeta Prieto is a Primary Patent Examiner in the optical measurement and testing area with emphasis in interferometry, spectroscopy, and colorimetry. She recently served in the Patent Training Academy as a Training Assistant and is currently an Assistant Outreach Coordinator for the Western Regional Office, supporting programs for inventors, entrepreneurs, and other communities in the western United States along with K-12 STEM activities. Violeta holds a PhD in Physics from University of Maryland. Before joining the USPTO in 2013, Violeta acquired extensive hands-on teaching and outreach experience, taught several graduate and undergraduate courses, coached and prepared the US Physics Olympiad Team, co-led both the 9th grade and 11th grade Summer Girls Outreach program at the University of Maryland, was recipient of the GK-12 NSF fellowship, and was an Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Postdoctoral Fellow at a US government laboratory.