Soroush, Ali
United States Patent and Trademark Office | Primary Patent Examiner (TC1600)/ Assistant Outreach Detailee Silicon Valley Regional Office
In This Section
Mr. Soroush has served the USPTO for over 17 years as a patent examiner in the biotechnology area, with special focus on pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and herbicides. Also, Mr. Soroush contributed to several projects including the development of Global Dossier and the implementation of WIPO standard ST.26 (presentation of nucleotide and amino acid sequence listings using xml). Further, he was on detail with the Office of Solicitor and served as a trainer in the Patent Academy.
While at the USPTO, Mr. Soroush received one distinct Department of Commerce Bronze Award.
Mr. Soroush received his Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology from University of Maryland College Park, his Masters of Science degree in Biotechnology with a concentration in Bioinformatics from Johns Hopkins University, and his J.D. from University of Baltimore School of Law.