10/19: Diversity Roundtable
October 19, 2020 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
A Pre-Meeting Event: Diversity Roundtable
12:00 -1:30 PM
PART ONE: A Solutions-Based Approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): How You Can Promote DEI in the COVID Environment

Mr. Saeed is the founder and principal of Saeed Consulting LLC, a full service consulting firm for law firms, legal departments, and other organizations with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion process improvement, strategic plan development, assessments, and awareness training. He started his career as an attorney and has worked as both in-house and outside counsel. Prior to founding Saeed Consulting, Asker headed up the diversity and inclusion initiatives at international law firm Fried Frank and prior to that at northeast regional law firm Day Pitney. Learn more about Mr. Saeed on his LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/asker-a-saeed-4a091833/
Registration for this event is free.
Registration for Part One HERE!
1:45 - 3 PM
PART TWO: DEI Roundtable Discussions
Join us for a roundtable discussion on DEI in the COVID-19 Environment. During this program, we will have facilitated discussions in break-out rooms to share practices that each of our organizations have successfully or unsuccessfully implemented to facilitate and encourage DEI during the current pandemic. After the breakout sessions, we will return to the main group to share our learnings.
This is the second in a series of roundtable discussions directed to DEI. As with our prior roundtable, we will be compiling information from the meeting to later share.
Possible topics for discussion during the roundtable include:
- DEI challenges facing organizations during the pandemic
- Practices that organizations are adopting to address bias during the pandemic and in a work-from-home environment
- Approaches to annual reviews and compensation during these turbulent times
Registration for this event is free.
Register for Part Two HERE!
We thank our generous sponsors for their support:
Should you wish to sponsor, please contact Lisa Beller at lbeller@aipla.org