10/27 Pre-Meeting Partnering in Patents
October 27, 2021 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM
No CLE - Registration Required
The USPTO and AIPLA are hosting the 28th Annual Partnering in Patents event remotely as a pre-conference event to our Annual Meeting. This virtual, one day program fosters an open dialog between AIPLA members and the USPTO.
10:30-11:30 AM Technical Training - Limited to 60 participants.
Theme: Features and the Future of Patent Practice
In virtual roundtables, discuss a number of topics, including best features of productive interviews, best features of effective written communications (e.g., Office Actions and Responses), and best overall features/practices for both USPTO members and patent practitioners.
12:00 - 3:30 PM Partnering in Patents Afternoon Session - Presenter Topics
12:00 PM - Welcome Remarks
~USPTO Official TBD
~AIPLA Mr. Joseph R. Re, AIPLA President
12:10 PM - Patents Update
USPTO Members to provide a series of updates on certain topics, such as:
- National Counsel for Expanding American Innovation
- New Search Tools, New Docket Tools, and new IT-infrastructure plans of the Office
- Update on Patent Classification and Application Routing
- Examiner Performance Appraisal update
- Other Topics TBD.
1:30 PM -- BREAK
2:00 PM -- Panel 1: Legal Updates on Anticipation and Obviousness
A panel of private practitioners and (possibly) USPTO members to discuss recent legal updates on anticipation and obviousness.
2:45 PM -- Panel 2: "Why is it the Way it is?"
A panel of USPTO members and practitioners answer each other’s questions and provide insights into practices and procedures at the USPTO and in private practice.
3:25 PM -- Closing Remarks & Thanks