2/3 - Titans of the IP Bar

February 3, 2022 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM


Fiesta 4-8

Moderator: Vince Garlock, Executive Director, AIPLA, Arlington, VA


I. Fred Koenigsberg, AIPLA Past President
Nancy Linck, AIPLA Fellow
William LaFuze, AIPLA Past President


Sponsored in part by:
Barley Snyder
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP


  • Linck, Nancy J.

    NJ Linck Consulting | Founder

    I serve as a patent practice consultant and expert witness, with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals and Hatch-Waxman litigation and, more recently, antitrust litigation brought against pharmaceutical companies.
  • Koenigsberg, I. Fred

    Retired | Past President, AIPLA

    I. Fred Koenigsberg has spent his career as an attorney specializing in copyright and related intellectual property law. A graduate of Cornell University (B.A., 1967), the Annenberg School of Communications of the University of Pennsylvania (M.A., 1969) and Columbia Law School (J.D., 1972), Koenigsberg spent the first 18 years of his career as in-house counsel for the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP). He then went into private practice as a partner in White & Case, LLP, from which he retired at the end of 2011.
  • LaFuze, Bill 200 LaFuze, William

    McKool Smith | Principal

    William "Bill" LaFuze is a principal in McKool Smith’s Houston office. Bill’s practice has been directed to a broad range of intellectual property law issues, with a particular focus on patent and other intellectual property litigation and transaction work in the oilfield equipment, telecommunications, smartphone, computer, healthcare, electronics, internet, and a broad range of technical fields. He has represented clients in many district courts throughout the United States and in cases appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington D.C.
  • Garlock, Vince Square200 Garlock, Vincent

    AIPLA | Executive Director

    Vince Garlock is the Executive Director of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), a national bar association dedicated to improving the domestic and international IP laws and providing the highest quality of services and programs to its members. Vince is involved in various aspects AIPLA management, and is particularly involved in the shaping, development and communication of policy initiatives.