2022 Partnering in Patents
October 26, 2022 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
The USPTO and AIPLA are hosting the 29th Annual Partnering in Patents event remotely as a pre-conference event to our Annual Meeting.
The USPTO and AIPLA are hosting the 29th Annual Partnering in Patents event remotely as a pre-conference event to our Annual Meeting. This virtual, one day program fosters an open dialog between AIPLA members and the USPTO. The general breakdown of the event is shown below with more details to follow.
10:00-11:30 AM virtual focus session - Limited seats available.
In virtual roundtables, a mix of practitioners and USPTO members will discuss 3-4 topics to generate ideas and best-practice suggestions. These sessions are limited to 80 participants. If you are interested in this session, please add a ticket when you register. We are looking for an even number of outside practitioners and USPTO participants.
12:00-3:30 - Welcome remarks followed by three 1-hour panels (no seat limit):
- USPTO presentation of updates and information on new programs
- Practitioner-USPTO joint panel on a common topic from the different perspectives
- Practitioners and USPTO members answer each other’s questions