5/13 VSM: AIPLA Content Curation Committee-Bloomberg Law Happy Hour
May 13, 2020 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Presented by the Special Committee on Content Curation.
This program explains author opportunities to contribute short articles on a wide variety of IP topics to be published by Bloomberg Law and shared with authors, their firms, and AIPLA. Members of the Special Committee on Content Curation and Bloomberg Law staff will be available to talk about the type of content, format, and reasons to contribute. Contributors' content will also be shared with Bloomberg’s news, analysis, content, and event teams, as well as provided to AIPLA to share through its member site. Authors will receive expert attribution and a link to their bio page, an attractive PDF or weblink to share publicly, and consideration for future content opportunities.
Content being sought includes the following:
~ Professional Perspective article (1500 to 3500 words), discuss legal developments with current impact on clients or the practice of law. Developments may include regulatory or statutory changes, a change in industry or markets, a noteworthy government investigation or regulatory process, or changes in the operation of legal services organizations or departments.
~ Practical Guidance (length varies), including sample or model documents (form or annotated); overviews of legal concepts or transactions; checklists (form or annotated); timelines (form or annotated); comparison tables of statutory or regulatory requirements; and annotated deal diagrams or other legal processes.
~ Insight article, a brief, compelling analysis of current events and issues (fewer than 800 words). Proposals for Insights go to Bloomberg Law’s news team to approve and edit.
Virtual Spring Meeting Speakers are welcome to reach out to suggest an article that focuses in on a relevant aspect of their Spring Meeting program presentation, focusing on offering practical guidance, to get additional mileage from their research.
Register for this Happy Hour!
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