Tearing Down the Wall between Open Source and Interoperability Standards
May 7, 2020 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
90 Minutes of MCLE
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How IP Strategies for New Technologies Can Open Gateways
Moderator: Dina Kallay, Ericsson, Inc., Washington, DC
Benjamin Siders, Lewis Rice, St. Louis, MO
Michele Herman, JusTech Law, Bellevue, WA
John Lyon, Thomas Hortemeyer, Atlanta, GA
David Marr, Qualcomm, San Diego, CA
Presented by the Electronic and Computer Law, Copyright Law, and Standards and Open Source Committees.
Herman, Michele
JusTech Law, PLLC | Founder
Michele’s practice at JusTech Law focuses exclusively on legal and business issues affecting technology development and commercialization such as technology standards, open source software, and intellectual property transactions. -
Kallay, Dina
Ericsson, Inc. | Head of Antitrust
A global antitrust lawyer, with unique international antitrust experience, including agency experience from both the U.S. (FTC) and E.U (DG COMP) and extensive work on Asia-Pacific competition issues. -
Lyon, John
Thomas Horstemeyer, LLP | Partner
John’s practice areas at Thomas | Horstemeyer include electrical/computer patent prosecution, litigation, and open source software licensing. -
Marr, David
Qualcomm Inc. | Vice President, Legal Counsel
Dave Marr is Vice President, Legal Counsel at Qualcomm Technologies, where he currently leads the open source practice and policy team. Dave’s background in the fields of technology transfer and community licensing practices and has been involved in open source in various capacities since 1998. -
Siders, Benjamin J.
Lewis Rice, LLC | Member
Ben is a partner in the intellectual property practice group at the law firm of Lewis Rice LLC in St. Louis, Missouri, and the current Vice Chair of AIPLA’s Copyright Law Committee. A second-career lawyer, he joined Lewis Rice in 2009 after retiring from his prior career as a software developer. Ben enjoys practicing IP law in a variety of disciplines, including computer and information technology, software licensing and compliance, as well as music, video games, and board games. Ben co-founded the St. Louis Game Developer Co-op, is a co-author of the American Bar Association's Legal Guide to Video Game Development, and has been published in the ABA’s Landslide journal on IP law.