Who is Going to the Supreme Court? Circuit Splits on Key Issues for Trademark Cases - Part 1
May 6, 2020 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Virtual - all times are eastern daylight time
90 Minutes of MCLE
Registration for this session is now closed. Please contact aipla@aipla.org for late registration for this session.
Moderator: Allison McDade, 7-Eleven, Inc., Dallas, TX
Can You Get Your Infringer’s Lost Profits? Romag Fasteners, Inc. v. Fossil, Inc.: The Supreme Court’s Resolution of the Long-Time Circuit Split on Whether Willfulness is Required to Recover Profits from InfringementAngela Sujek, Honigman, Ann Arbor, MI
Playing with Fire: Using Your Competitor’s Trademark and the Nominative Fair Use Defense: Sorting Through the Different Standards and Burdens for Applied by the Ninth, Third, Second Circuits
Steve Baird, Greenberg Traurig, LLP, Minneapolis, MN
Baird, Steve
Greenberg Traurig LLP | Shareholder
Steve provides strategic guidance on trademark usage and clearance, branding strategies, domestic and worldwide portfolio management, litigation and enforcement, internet domain name and trademark disputes, licensing, and prosecution. -
McDade, Allison
7-Eleven, Inc. | Senior Trademark Counsel
Sujek, Angela
Honigman | Partner
Angela Sujek is an experienced intellectual property attorney focusing her practice on trademark and copyright clearance, prosecution, and enforcement; advertising and marketing; licensing; and corporate transactions involving intellectual property assets.