Global IP
AIPLA puts significant resources into advocating for our members' interests and the interests of U.S. intellectual property rights holders worldwide.
AIPLA has been active on behalf of its members and US IP rights holders, in both the national and international IP communities, for well over a century with education, advocacy, and practice development programs and events. We recognize the important role US attorneys and agents play in the protection of intellectual property rights globally.
Click below to learn more about Global IP:
Global Activities
AIPLA is actively involved in the international intellectual property community.
AIPLA focuses on International Advocacy through Industry and Foreign Office Cooperation and engage in Global Education Events and Outreach through our Global Sector Committees, often in collaboration with other AIPLA Committees.
AIPLA is a recognized thought leader in the international arena in bringing the practitioner's perspective on the procurement and protection of international intellectual property rights. AIPLA continues to strengthen its international presence through global cooperation meetings and international conferences, visiting countries and IP Offices through regularly planned committee trips by Global Sector IP Practice Committees, sending representatives to the annual U.S. Bar Liaison Council meetings with officials of foreign patent offices, participating in standing committee meetings at WIPO, hosting international events, and making our views known to various international bodies and governments.
International Advocacy
AIPLA works closely with international organizations and governments to advocate for our members' interests.
AIPLA has served both the national and international IP communities for well over a century with education, advocacy, and practice development programs and events. We recognize the important role attorneys and agents play in the protection of international intellectual property rights.
Global Sector Committees
The backbone AIPLA's Global Sector is our Committees, Task Force and AIPPI-US. These focus on Countries and/or Regions around the world or a substantive area of the law. These committees and the experts who are their members are responsible for monitoring intellectual property development of interest to our members, proposing AIPLA positions that contribute to our international advocacy, and establishing and maintaining a global network of IP practitioners and government offices in their respective areas of focus through, for example, committee visits.
More information about each committee, Task Force and AIPPI-US and its leadership can be found by clicking the links below.
- International and Foreign Law Committee
- IP Practice in Israel Committee
- IP Practice in China Committee
- Patent Cooperation Treaty Issues
- IP Practice in Europe Committee
- Trademark Treaties and International Law
- IP Practice in Japan Committee
- Harmonization Committee
- IP Practice in Latin America Committee
- IP Practice in the Far East Committee
- International Education Committee
Global Education Events and Outreach
One of the most important things that AIPLA does globally involves gobal education and outreach for both U.S. practicitioners and IP owners, as well as practitioners, associations, and government officials around the world. Whether it be co-hosting international events, supporting the new Global Network of IP Practitioner Associations, or encouraging the formation of Women in IP Committees to foster the participation of women IP pracitioners in the field, AIPLA is taking its mission global.
- International Education Committee
- International Programs at Stated Meetings
- AIPLA Hosted International Events
- Relations with Global & Regional IP Associations
- Global Network of IP Practitioner Associations
- Women in IP Worldwide
Industry/Foreign Office Cooperation
One of the most effective ways that AIPLA participates in the development and improvement of the global IP system is through direct contact with Patent and Trademark Offices
around the world. The importance of this industry/foreign office cooperation cannot be overstated. Drawing on experience with established procedures within the USPTO, and the experiences of our members who represent their clients before foreign offices,
AIPLA is uniquely positioned to advise them on ways to improve their procedures to benefit both U.S. users of their IP systems as well as their own national users.
In particular, AIPLA values its participation in the industry groups that advise the major offices around the world concerning office cooperation, harmonization of procedures and substantive law, and creation of the future global IP cooperation involving offices, users, and IP owners. These groups, including Trilateral, IP5, B+, Tegernsee, Global Dossier, TM5, and others, are the most effective global fora at the present time. On the global front, the recent accession of the U.S. to the WIPO-Hague Industrial Design System will provide the opportunity for intense AIPLA involvement to supplement our current involvement with respect to the Patent Cooperation Treaty and the Madrid System on Marks.