Industry and Foreign Office Cooperation
IP5, Industry IP5 & Global Dossier Task Force
The members of the IP5 are:
- the European Patent Office (EPO),
- the Japan Patent Office (JPO),
- the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO),
- the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO),
- and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
- American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
- Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
- Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA)
- Korea Intellectual Property Association (KINPA)
- Patent Protection Association of China (PPAC)
Global Dossier Task Force
Click here for a summary of Global Dossier
Click here for the USPTO website for the Global Dossier Initiative
US Bar Liaison Councils and Partnerships
Representatives of AIPLA participate in annual U.S. Bar Liaison Council meetings with the European Patent Office (EPO), Japanese Patent Office (JPO), and the National Intellectual Property Administration, PRC (CNIPA) to discuss intellectual property issues with the officials of the patent offices and delegates from other national and local IP associations.
Trilateral and Industry Trilateral
Trilateral & Industry Trilateral
The members of the Trilateral Cooperation are:
- the European Patent Office (EPO),
- the Japan Patent Office (JPO),
- and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Click here for the official Trilateral Website.
The members of the Industry Trilateral Cooperation are:- American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
- Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
- Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA)
Trademark Five (TM5) and Industry TM5
Trademark Five (TM5) and Industry TM5
The members of the TM5 are:
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
- Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)
- United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China (SAIC).
Tegernsee Group and Group B+
Group B+ and the Tegernsee Group are groups of offices that are addressing international patent harmonization issues including grace period, prior user rights, conflicting applications and 18-month publication. The Tegernsee group has concluded
its work, and the harmonization discussions are set to move forward in the Group B+, which has begun work with a subgroup of member offices. They will be consulting with industry, including the Industry Trilateral of which AIPLA is a member,
as they continue their discussions.
Group B+ consists of European Union and the European Patent Organization, all member states to these organizations as well as Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and the US. In all, there are
over 35 countries and intergovernmental organizations involved in the discussions.
The Tegernsee Group is comprised of the Heads of the European, Danish, French, German, Japanese, UK and United States patent offices.
WIPO: PCT, Madrid, and Hague
WIPO: PCT, Madrid & Hague
AIPLA engages with the World IP Organization (WIPO) by sending representatives to attend WIPO meetings and also with the U.S. government on the implementation of WIPO treaties. AIPLA President and WIPO Director General signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Intellectual Property in Geneva, Switzerland, September 11, 2002.
- The PCT Issues Committee handles issues relating to the Patent Cooperation Treaty
- The Trademark Treaties and International Law Committee covers the Madria Protocol.
- The Hague Agreement is covered by AIPLA's Industrial Designs Committee.