
  • New Examination Guide on Changes to Procedures for Certain Trademark Documents

    September 21, 2018

    The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a new examination guide, “Changes to Procedures Regarding Certain Documents.”
  • Sign-Up Closing Soon for USPTO’s Agent/Attorney 3-Day Course

    September 20, 2018

    Sunday, Sept. 23, is the last day to sign up for the Nov. 6-8 STEPP Agent/Attorney 3-Day Course. Open to the public as part of the USPTO’s Stakeholder Training on Examination Practice and Procedure (STEPP) program, the course will be held at the Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  • 6th Circuit Upholds Festival Trademark

    September 19, 2018

    On August 29, 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld the Tawas Area Chamber of Commerce’s trademark registration for “Perchville,” the name of a festival held annually in Tawas, Michigan since 1950.
  • IP Address Alone Is Insufficient for Copyright Claim​

    September 18, 2018

    An allegation that a defendant is the registered subscriber of an Internet Protocol (IP) address associated with infringing activity is not enough to state a claim for direct or contributory copyright infringement, the United States Court of Appeals for The Ninth Circuit held August 27, 2018.
  • Empire TV Show Survives Copyright Suit

    September 18, 2018

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that there is no substantial similarity between the Fox network’s hit drama “Empire” and actor and producer Clayton Prince Tanksley’s pilot for “Cream.”