
  • Horizon-Comics-v-Marvel-Entertainment Marvel Gets ‘Iron Man 3’ Poster Copyright Claims Dismissed

    August 2, 2019

    The SDNY on July 15, 2019, granted Marvel’s motion for summary judgment in a copyright infringement suit regarding an “Iron Man 3” movie poster.
  • Finance-USPTO USPTO Proposes Patent Fees Adjustments

    August 1, 2019

    The US Patent and Trademark Office on July 31, 2019, issued a federal register notice where it proposes to adjust patent fees; specifically, making several targeted fee adjustments in addition to an approximately five percent across the board increase to the fees.
  • Webinar USPTO Webinar on Recent Updates to PTAB AIA Trial Practice Guide

    July 31, 2019

    The US Patent & Trademark Office is hosting a “Boardside Chat” webinar on Thursday, August 8, 2019, from noon to 1 p.m. ET about recent updates made to the AIA Trial Practice Guide.
  • Video Data Samsung Gets New Review of Video Data Coding Patent

    July 30, 2019

    The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on July 12, 2019, canceled a Patent Trial and Appeal Board decision upholding Infobridge Pte. Ltd.'s video coding patent (Patent No. 8,917,772) and sent it back to the board for review.
  • Ford F-150 Ford Design Patent for Hood of F-150 Is Valid

    July 29, 2019

    The Federal Circuit held that Ford Motor Company’s design patents for hood and head lamp designs on its F-150 trucks are valid because they aren’t functional, but ornamental.