Registration Information

Registration Rates

                                  Pre-Reg    /   Early Reg    /   Full Rate 
                                by 8.31.24 by 9.30.24 /  after 9.30.24

AIPLA Member:  $1095 / $1,245 / $1,495

AIPLA Solo Practitioner or Corporate Member: $995 / $1095 / $1,195

AIPLA Junior Member: $685 / $785 / $885

AIPLA Student Member: $55 / $55 / $55

Government Employee*/AIPLA Academic Member: $145 / $145 / $195

Non-Member: $1,695 / $1,845 / $1,995

Accompanying Guest Fee: $150


Daily Rates*       by 8.31.24/by 9.30.24/after 9.30.24

AIPLA Member: $775 / $875 / $975  (per day/one day only)

Non-Member:  $1,250 / $1,350 / $1,450

Ticketed events have a separate fee.  Please see the registration form for more details.

Attendees will also have full access to the virtual event platform/mobile app including the directory and all session recordings and event materials.

*Non-member Government employees and those wishing to register for Daily Rates must complete the Paper Registration Form and email it to to register.

Registration for the AIPLA Annual Meeting includes: access to the plenaries, tracks, and skills workshops (if you registered in advance for one), the meeting app and all materials and recordings after the conference, networking events that are not ticketed, and CLE (requires appropriate paperwork is completed).


  1. Registration: Register by October 11, 2024 to be included in the printed participation list.  On-site registrations will be accepted, however, please be prepared to pay by check or credit card.  We do not accept cash and will not invoice for fees.  Attendees must register for the meeting if they wish to attend the social events.  Badges are required at all sessions and social events.  Registrants after October 11, will appear in the online event directory in the event platform/mobile app.  

  2. Submitting Your Registration:  ONLINE: You should receive an email confirmation shortly after you complete the process. Please keep this confirmation for your records.  
    EMAIL: You may email us at if you have registration questions or would like to register over the phone.
    MAIL: Please do not mail any registrations. AIPLA staff is working remotely and receipt of your registration may be delayed. 
    Payment for meeting registration must be in US currency.

  3. Spouses or Accompanying Guests:  Guests over 18 must register as an Accompanying Guest. The Accompanying Guest fee is $150.  There are many opportunities for your guest to join you throughout the meeting, as well as network with and get to know the other accompanying guests. The Accompanying Guest Fee includes a guest badge and access to all free social events including the continental breakfasts, luncheon receptions, morning and afternoon breaks, and access to a hospitality room during the posted meeting registration hours. This fee is intended for spouses and guests attending the Annual Meeting who are NOT eligible for AIPLA Membership or who would not otherwise attend the Annual Meeting for CLE purposes.  This guest fee is not available in lieu of paying the registration fee for exhibitors requesting more than the allotted number of exhibitor badges. 

  4. Purchasing Event Tickets in Advance and On-Site:  Events may sell out. Tickets on-site are sold on an "as available" basis.  Tickets will be collected (or scanned from your event badge) at all ticketed events.  Please arrive promptly to the events. If you do not arrive at the event within the first 30 minutes of the event start time, you are not guaranteed a seat. 

  5. Returned Check and Credit Card Fees: Registrations received that result in a returned check or contain incomplete credit card information, including omitted signature, omitted expiration date, wrong number sequences, etc., will be charged a $39 fee for each instance.

  6. Cancellation: Cancel by September 23, 2024 and receive a refund less a $50 processing fee. Cancel between September 24 - October 8, 2024 and receive a refund less a $250 processing fee. No refunds issued after close of business October 8, 2024. Cancellations must be made in writing via email to Any refunds will be processed after the meeting.

  7. Registration Transfer: Registrants may transfer their registration based on the following:
    Members may transfer their registration to other members.
    Non-members may transfer their registration to other non-members.
    A transfer from a member to a non-member will incur an additional fee equal to the difference in registration rates.

  8. Photographs and Video: There will be photographs and video taken throughout AIPLA’s 2024 Annual Meeting that may be used in AIPLA print and electronic publications, including the AIPLA website.

Note: As part of registering for the Meeting, we provide sponsors and exhibitors a list of attendees. If you do not want your name or information listed, it is incumbent on you to change your sharing settings in the Meeting app or contact AIPLA to let us know. We do not rent or sell our attendee list to third parties. It is only provided to our exhibitors and sponsors.

Additionally, we do not partner with ANY third party group for hotel reservations.  Reservations should be made by using the hotel booking link provided in our materials, or by contacting the hotel directly.